Shailesh Rajpal- Is It Time to Say Goodbye to Your Current Client?
Running a business is an act of faith, especially when you think it might be time to say goodbye to a current client you’ve outgrown.
Mr. Shailesh Rajpal said, “Successful business owners are like trapeze artists. They reach out across the void, making leaps from one place to another, with complete faith that they're going to make it to the other side.”
Here, As much as you feel beholden to your clients, Remember that you are running the show. You’re in charge of carving out creative time for your business. And you have an obligation to yourself to ensure that your business works for you. This means that it’s important to review your current client list and think about releasing the clients who aren’t serving you anymore.
How do you know when it’s time to say goodbye to a client?............whether or not it’s time to say goodbye to a client depends on whether you offer services or products. If you offer services; Writers with service-based businesses should continually upgrade the quality of the clients they serve in the early days of your business, you take whatever work you can. But as your skills and results improve, you’ll enjoy your work more if you find clients who challenge you. Plus, you can charge more for challenging work, so upgrading the quality of your clients leads to an upgrade in revenue, too. At least once a year, take a look at your client roster and watch below-
· They don’t respect your time.
· They minimize your efforts.
· Their work isn’t challenging anymore.
· They’re paying your old rate — and won’t pay more.
Any client who falls into these categories is someone you should consider replacing as you build a better money-making online offer.
If you offer product’s; Writers with product-based businesses may need to serve different audiences as their skills grow. In the early days of your business, you may have created products that solved simple challenges. But as your skills grow, your products can solve more complex challenges. The more complex and valuable your solution, the more you can charge for your product. Upgrading the quality of your clients leads to an upgrade in revenue, too. At least once a year, take a look at your client roster and watch for the red flags below-
· Your clients like your product because it’s inexpensive.
· Your clients buy your product — but they don’t use it or get results.
· Your clients ask you for discounts — even though your product is reasonably priced.
· Your clients default on the payment plans they committed to.
Any client who falls into these categories is someone you should consider replacing.
You’re worth it, so make magic
It’s not easy to think about saying goodbye to a client, especially one you’ve worked hard to acquire. But letting go makes magic happen.
Mr. Rajpal concluded, “Running a business is an act of faith — faith in yourself, your abilities, and your future. When you act as your own best advocate, releasing clients who are no longer a good fit on a regular basis, something amazing happens.”
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